Our Services


Routine wellness care

City Cat Vets offers routine wellness care, including comprehensive examinations, lab work, and vaccinations tailored to your cat's lifestyle. We have a full in-house diagnostic suite, as well as access to a number of reference laboratories across several specialties. Our team of doctors and technicians will go above and beyond to ensure your cat has the most pleasant visit possible while addressing their medical and emotional needs.


City Cat Vets has a full surgical suite. Our doctors perform both routine and more complicated surgeries in-house. Our patients undergo routine screening labwork prior to surgeries, and are given appropriate pain control, heat support, and fluid support during surgery, as well as having their vitals closely monitored both by a a sophisticated esophageal monitor as well as an experienced technician.


Our hospital is equipped with a digital radiology unit that produces highly-detailed radiographs. Our technicians are very skilled in proper positioning to produce the best quality images for the doctors to interpret. Because the images are digital, they are also easily transferred to specialty hospitals when the need arises.







City Cat Vets has a state of the art dental suite. Our dental patients receive the same pre-operative labwork and anesthesia monitoring and support as all other surgeries, and have full-mouth radiographs performed to be certain we find any disease below the gumline. They are given nerve blocks at all extraction sites, pain control before, during, and after dental care, and post-extraction films are taken to be certain the entirety of each tooth is removed.

on-site ultrasound

City Cat Vets employs a visiting radiologist who is proficient in abdominal ultrasound interpretation, which allows us to offer our patients advanced imaging without a visit to a referral hospital.


City Cat Vets offers cardiology consultations through Ultravet. A trained technician sonographer takes ultrasound images of the patient’s heart and sends them to a board-certified cardiologist for interpretation and treatment recommendations.